Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Hey An Empty Wal-Mart Bag"

Until you become a mom, and especially a mom of boys, the words "hey, an empty wal-mart bag" sound completely normal, maybe just someone littering...put those words between the words "mommy, i don't feel good" and the sound of puking and you've suddenly found your new favorite use for a wal-mart bag...this was the ride home from my mom's earlier this evening. Making the whole situation worse, in the last year and a half (since both boys got completely out of that "spit-up" stage) the sight and smell of puke makes me puke. and when mommy is puking, he's on his own! we've figured out that all the puking stops faster if we can just get away from each other. (and yes i say this like it is a common occurance, because it is...however, this was the first experience with it on just a normal car ride). all of this on a 2 way busy highway after dark, with lots of cars and little light. i'm not just pulling over off the side of any road...too many people get run over that way. so when i finally get to Kum N Go (they once again saved me! Gotta love that place!), i got rid of the bag, and we continued on our way...i had rolled all the windows down in the car and left them down until i heard "mommy i'm cold. roll your window up." ah! back to his bossy whiny self (whatever!)...i think he's going to make it...then before we get home (yes only a 45 minute drive in real life), they are fighting over who took who's pringles...ick...i would say puking is a good thing to tell my sister about that i haven't told her when it comes to kids...then i remembered that she's pretty good at dealing with that...blaine has pretty much managed to get sick on lori every time he's seen her...or pretty darn close anyway...(sometimes the sight of her makes me sick too! :-)
and then, on a totally different subject, when you're from somewhere like hurley, you really don't expect to hear a lot on the "news" front about people you know/went to school with, aside from the occasional drug bust or something about the actual school. so imagine my surprise (or the lack of...he IS doing what he always wanted to do) when I see an advertisement announcing the alumni weekend at a local university featuring the good dr who used to be a good friend of mine and who graduated only a year ahead of me...although, not to brag or anything, but i did get a higher ACT score. *tee hee hee*...the only claim to fame i have about that...surely that's as exciting as his new exhibit at the museum of natural history in new york...okay, so i know its not but i'm really happy for him....so many people never leave Hurley when their family has such deep roots and i'm always excited to see those who did...and speaking of...i also heard that tomorrow morning a certain sister of mine is going to be a local morning news star...be sure to tape it...i want to see if the camera adds 10 pounds *tee hee hee*
and have you seen the show on the discovery channel on ancient torture techniques??? totally awesome. that was on of my favorite parts of being a history major!
okay, bye now!!!!
P.S. anyone wanna buy cub scout popcorn?...how bout some pta junk? :-)

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