Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where to Begin?

So for several months now, I've been reading my sister's (flying squirrel fan) blog and i think, wow, i could do that. nothing near as creative as she does. she got all the creative genes, i got the levis. (bad joke #1...probably shouldn't start counting those), but anyway, those cute kids she's always talking about (okay before my niece came into the are MINE! i could talk about them. I thought about calling this something like "the things kids say" or something else like that because according to lance, most of my conversations revolve around "cute kid" things that everyone else doesn't necessarily think is cute.
So, to start, my oldest is in 1st grade and obsessed with frogs. he's started a new school this year and is loving it, although apparently they even start getting political in first grade. "mommy, if barack obama becomes president, will he really destroy america?" once he figured out that barack obama wasn't the darth vader of america, i tried to explain what they meant by that. hard to do with a kid who still believes in the tooth fairy (and not necessarily in a good way...he's not real fond of the idea of a fairy sneaking into his bedroom at night and messing around with his pillow). and just so we're all on the same page, to completely understand blaine you have to understand who his favorite person in the whole wide world is. who else, but the aunt that gets paid to dress up like flying squirrels and who lets him eat ants ('d think she would be smarter than that).
and then there's the little one. 4 years old and grandpa might as well call him "mini-me"...he looks and i'm afraid acts just like his grandpa. and when i try to get him to not attack/beat up his older brother, grandpa often reminds me that the little guys have to be able to defend themselves...i figure his principal will have me on speed dial. monday night, after eating dinner, cameron went around the table, put his arms around grandpa, laid his head on his arm and said "i missed you grandpa. now (pause for dramatic efffect), letsgoridethebluefourwheeler" and then the biggest grin and hug for his grandpa...who of course, got up immediately and went to ride the four wheeler.
so if you haven't figured out by now, my thoughts are rarely connected and i have lots of things that flow perfectly in my mind but don't come out like it on the screen. i realize while typing that my punctuation is horrible because i'm used to typing in all uppercase at work so between that and text messaging, i'm glad i'm not getting graded on, i think i tend to ramble...okay i know i tend to ramble...but soon i'll figure out how to put up pictures and then i won't have to talk so much...and everyone else can just look at how adorable...and adorably boys are...and my niece that i intend to spoil rotten and turn into a girly-girl. :-) maybe i'll start writing a little more proper...and interesting...soon.

1 comment:

Flying Squirrel Fan said...

interesting...and you'll never be at a shortage with the things your kids say (they never stop talking!) for instance, maybe you could have blaine explain to you how cows give birth again and you could write that:)